Whether it is more so now or has always been so to similar degrees, virtually all people practice dishonesty. Of course, virtually all of those who do so would deny that they practice dishonesty. (Who’d thunk?) After all, who wants to think themselves so? As an anecdotal story goes, a class of 3rd graders were asked to raise their hands if they ever lied. Most of the class had arms raised. Asked how many are liars, a sole arm rose. But the dishonesty spoken of here is not one that is necessarily premeditated, rather it is one wherein one cannot say with any true certitude that the things that they believe—that also make them who they are—are verifiable and hence justifiable. In essence, the old adage of to thine own self be true is never really practiced. Or it is practiced in a misdirected manner in the belief that can be expressed as “be who you are.” But such advice cannot always a wise one. Rather, to thine own self be true is a plea to be cosmically true to oneself, not merely in an egoistical and/or in preferential ways. The essence of life is that we serve a purpose steeped in truths. It just doesn’t make sense any other way, e.g., being the lab rats of some bungling Darwinistic deity demeans our essence & purpose for existence; for life. Following such an inane premise, in a logical progression, arrives at the answer that our life ultimately serves no purpose for our own sake. It becomes valueless in the face that its apex will benefit only those of that era & beyond. Not any of the trampled stones of the past. Only veracity will lead us to a cosmic reality and these days it is an amazingly rare thing to be seen. Lies are our soul’s staple diet.