Despite the USA’s precepts and principles that brought about a “we the people” form of government, today it’s the elitists who are governing the people by way of steering them (redlining the mind) to put into place a form of government that is elitist friendly. The idea of this nation becoming the antithesis of what it was intended to be is not a matter of occurrence, but one of the depth to which it has already occurred. And like treating a spreading cancer, the fact that it has already taken a good foothold (in many neglected stages over the long past) means that the treatment necessary is one that is aggressive enough to destroy it and yet not so hostile so as to destroy the whole. Naturally, these sophists would have us believe that undermining their thinking is hostility in itself and therein we find the very practice of sophistry. Using their higher education, over-rated esteemed minds, their positions of influence along with the[ir] public pawns’ reverence for the temples of academia & media, they penetrate the souls of humankind with their unsanctified and direly humanistic driven ideologies. Such are fraught with diabolical reasoning that will utimately change our polities and life to a serfhood of “wee, the people.” This being the outcome of that call for hope-&-change, which was sold under the false impression that its sellers have unselfishly honorable intentions. So how shall we overcome such beguiling deception from out of this incessant onslaught of sophistry? How shall we stop the vainly sophisticated from slyly wresting liberty from those who value it most highly?