It is the position of VW that never in the history of the world at anytime was there ever a system of governance that established its polities and laws upon anything other than faith based beliefs, that is, upon a religion. All its laws and ethics—be they as they may or may have been—were derived from their religious disposition[s]. So it is impossible to separate a government from its religious foundations without destroying its form of governance. Likewise separation of the USA from its roots of Christian precepts is impossible without unholy dire consequences.
The challenge is put forth for anyone to name a political culture, civilization or society that was not founded or based upon a religious system anywhere in the world at any time in history.
Objectivity in the pursuit of truth, one surrenders oneself to its dictates and findings. Ego is sacrificed for the purity of truth and the purifying of soul.
Subjectivity in the pursuit of truth, one surrenders truth to the dictates of ego. “Truth” is established in relativity to whatever the self-
Is there a more willing group of people that are ready to crucify anyone that challenges their unholy doctrines of humanism than those that are representative of liberalism? Muslims, yes, that would be another.
It seems to me that Christianity has been vilified to the extent that it has because it represents the mirror to the soul. It has been around for 2000 years and has been THE reflection of our inner being by which we may judge the nature of our souls. But 2000 years is not enough, because the value of Christians are measured by the whole of scripture and hence are often referred to as Judeo-
From the Eve & Adam story of desired autonomy (liberation) from God through the teachings of Jesus, divine precepts and principles for living have been established. One’s that when properly abided create the ideal way of life in this physical world of sin and death.
Therein is where the true and core Conservative enters the scene. While there are now many branches of conservatism, only those that fully preserve core conservative values are the only ones that maintain complete soundness to Christian ethics.
Now enter liberalism which as liberals like to say of themselves, are liberators. In their minds, from the wicked ways of conservatives, which they can never seem to properly deduce or explain except to bear false witness via a plethora of hearsay that is based on a value system created by… well, by whom or what?
They say that Jesus was a liberator and ipso facto, must have been a liberal. Aside from the logical fallacy of begging the question being applied to that way of thinking, nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus set the “captives free” by pointing out to them that it is their sins that make them “captive” to those transgressions as well as to the devil & his minions. This is the complete opposite of what liberals do as they primarily liberate people from their consciences to present day socially accepted and alternative lifestyle transgressions. Likewise they cater to and enable slothful people to remain so and in the process are ever buying their votes, luring them like a pedophile lures a child with candy.
Even by most of their own definitions, conservatives are traditional, evangelical, fundamental, moral majority Christians. And despite their wicked vilification of adjectives like evangelical & fundamental when applied to Christians, it is very clear that Christianity is highly represented in conservatism. Never mind that the concept of fundamental Christianity means Christianity in its purest form or that being evangelical is an obedience to the call of in Christendom is called the Great Commission. So both are holy Christian endeavors. Liberals vainly attempt to differentiate this unfortunate (to them) perspective by playing semantics in say that there is a difference between the first letter capital of these verses the small letter version. So they can at least try to fit the mold of being fundamentally and evangelically obedient Christians. But truly unfortunate for them, it just doesn’t work. Because while they “feed the poor” with one hand, they rob them of their soul with the other.
To those who will try to argue that conservative and liberal refer to fiscal policies, sorry but that ship sailed a long time ago. It may once have been the primary of the political/social tags, but it went to a chiefly value base identification, in the least, about a half century ago. While fiscal does still play a role, if it doesn’t take a back seat to the values aspect, it is now in the passenger seat, not the driver’s. All we need to do is look at the headlines of our day and the TV shows of our times to see that the left, i.e. liberalism, is leading the advancement in establishing deviant behavior towards an ascendancy that redefines such as neo-
Whether it’s killing unborn humans – about 55 million since Roe vs. Wade (makes the 6 million Jews slaughtered by Hitler look small), gay marriage, a defilement of marriage – which was established by God and is a representation on earth of God’s plans for those He deems as Heaven worthy and bound, this being His eternal covenant to such and shall so be manifested as an act of marriage to His “church”. Fortunately it won’t then have anything to do with sex. Furthermore, outside of this a liberal cannot explain from whence came marriage… nor can they do so for any of their so-
Liberalism’s response to this type of exposure is beautifully (albeit a horrendous picture per se) painted in the wonderful art provided above with a perfect victim as one of their more recent crucifixions. If there is one thing you can depend upon from liberals, it’s that they will crucify whoever gets in their way. Also that they love to cast stones. So much so that if they had been told by Jesus to cast a stone if they are without sin, since they malign and redefine “sin” to absolve themselves from any such perception of reality, they would have went ahead and stoned that “sinner”. Of course, to them conservatism is a sin regardless of the fact that conservatism by definition is the preservation of traditional values as defined by holy scripture, by Jesus Christ, by the Triune God, YHWH. And since they live on the side that loves to redefine sin to make unGodly ways acceptable to so many … and since it is conservatives that are a mirror that exposes those wicked way… and since they crucified Jesus Christ, essentially, to shut Him up from that very same practice (exposing their sins to them, if you don’t know), liberals would have been in the crowd that shouted “Crucify Him!” And they would have willingly done so, that is, without threat from within the crowd.
This scene, with different and yet like players, is unfolding before us on a daily basis. The disturbingly and bizarre obsequious servitude of the mainstream media to the leftist/liberal agenda (and no, they are not anywhere near to centrist) leads the charge in offering up people for crucifixion. They tickle the ears of their ignorant ilk and incite hatred for all those that have the audacity to point out any of the multitude of flaws in their way of thinking; their way of ethics; their ludicrous ways of expressing love; their diabolically twisted usage of words; their constant practice of killing the messenger by bearing false witness en masse (even if their were any truth to a claim/allegation, their intention is an ignoble one, not a righteous one and they never treat their own in the same way except when it is not possible to do otherwise lest they be utterly exposed for the fraudulent image they portray); the constant deception of what is really going on sub rosa to what they claim is going on (media abets in cover up); their comfort in telling lies, believing the lie to be subordinate to the cause (it’s their version of taqiyyah). This could go on for a while. Where is the righteousness? If it were righteous, why must they plot and fabricate every reason for why they do what they do?
Let us suffice and sum it up in saying this: That the concept that a liberal pursues and walks a superior and higher moral ground than conservatives is sadly and yet disparagingly laughable. No matter how hard they try (and they try very hard, esp. in the media and institutes of higher education) there is nothing that natural liberals like atheist Sam Harris’ writings or the rest of his prominent ilk can say that cannot be construed as fanciful rationalizations, or in greater context, sophistry. Reason, that is, rational thought and reasoning IS NEVER on their side. Because no matter what they say or claim, if you dig down into any of the rationalizations that they claim are the practice of “reason” (keep asking why, how, what, who, where and when until they run out of answers) and you will find a religious belief that relies on far more faith than the Judeo-
So the only higher ground upon which liberals, leftists, progressives walk is the one that puts them in a constant phantasmagoric state where logic and reason have no place. Nothing they aver is cohesive to the greater picture of life. Nothing they say makes sense until one realizes that the only way for it to be anything like reason is when one defines “reason”, by their true application, as the reason [purpose] they want; the reason they prefer to perceive it in that dim lit view and damn be objectivity and logical fallacies. I even once had a liberal tell me that they want nothing to do with logical fallacies because if practiced they would never be able to win an argument. Ah, you have to love the Jehovahian slip and so it is. Amen.
“Lest we forget at least an over-
There are many reasons for this to be factual, but one need only address the 3 most unholy sacraments of liberalism to suffice it:
The only thing liberals liberate people from is their God-
It is not the intention of this web site or any of its network & affiliates to offend anyone on a personal level. We simply challenge the ideologies of our times in the process of espousing and defending ours. While it is acknowledge that doing so is often an affront to a person’s intellectual, emotional and “spiritual” investments, such will not infringe upon our free speech inalienable rights nor impede the message itself with pathetically lenient words that undermine the earnestness of the message. If offended, the most basic of questions to ask oneself are these: From where comes the pain or discomfort I am now experiencing? 1) Has my pride just been cut and my offense emanates from there? 2) Or have I just been struck with a truth or an aspect thereof that I am unable to handle? Ultimately the source of our emotional reactions are either pride from prejudice or it’s just plainly from unpreferred truth. While one may prefer to ask other questions, these are the most primary, basic and important ones. This is the U.S.A. and we will not be silenced or stifled because so many deem our beliefs inconvenient, incompatible and undesirable to today’s humanistic culture. After all, we also espouse that it is from Protestant Christianity, being the zeitgeist of our revolutionary era, ironically from which emerged our Natural Law-
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