
Being that this has been rated as the #1 reason for VeracityWorks and its network, it is indeed a dire and mightily malicious one. It is one that is fraught with fraudulence from its initial thought processing perspective through to its resulting practice. It is a most debilitating tactic as it unrighteously (but leftishly) sabotages opposing arguments solely by slander with a hefty dose of haughty hatred. Rarely does rational reasoning apply as only the wayward heart is considered in their jurisimprudence and impudence.

This most insidious issue and problem in the current global culture is people taking disagreement with all too many things to which they subscribe, especially ideologically, as a personal affront when it is intellectually challenged. A challenge is by definition an affront on something to our character, purpose, cause and thinking, so that part is somewhat to be expected. It is their emotional attachment, or better yet, their hypersensitivity to it that creates the problem that ultimately results in oppression upon the whole nation, especially insofar as free thought and free speech is concerned. Getting to the bottom of why such emotion is attached to it is the top priority to exposing and resolving this issue, even if only for our own sake.

Quite frankly, this writer doesn’t give a damn personally of what anyone thinks of my ideological disposition. My faith; my God can take care of Himself and preserve His truth without me. Logic, reason and sensibilities are ever on my side, especially the deeper one probes. Those who are offended when their god or ideology is challenged it is because they have a very superficial and artificial foundation, knowledge and cause for their faith. Because this is intrinsically so within them, whether consciously so (realized but in denial or in a deep state of rationalization) or subconsciously so (unrealized), its ever underlying presence constantly has them on a soul-positioning emotional edge of eruption that erupts when the challenge to their thinking reaches a point of no answers. If they had answers, and with presumed proud embrace of their ideological disposition, they would happily provide them. So now with this said, let it be clear that my indifference to their perspective of my faith doesn’t come from a cold heart. It is sympathy for their state of confoundedness and a desire to have a friendly and mind ajar conversation with them about it that is governing this heart & soul.

Far too much of their faith is the creation of man. A golden calf of ideological dispositions that defy the reality of the cosmos, the one true God, and hence puts them ever at odds with cosmological truths. Because it is so, to challenge it is ever an assault upon their haughty hearts, because in their minds, their intentions are the best of intentions. But as the old adage goes, the road to hell is paved by good intentions and they fit that truth to a tee.

There is primarily only one thing expected from any conversation/argument that challenges Christianity, conservatism or rightist ideological dispositions – prove it wrong or yourself correct. While it is expected that none will successfully achieve this it is not so out of closed-mindedness (per se), prejudice, cockiness or a bad case of self-righteousness, rather from a confidence that is inviolable. Nonetheless, VW’s ears will ever be willing to listen to the argument to anything that it postulates – which is quite contrary to like willingness from its adversaries. And the act by which they shroud this unwillingness and their inability to win the argument is a world stage performance classically called political correctness [PC]. We will show the insane (and inane) amount of hypocrisy and superficiality that leftism, in all its alter egos, obliviously practice in these reprobate “virtues” they hold on high. Also the required support structures they’ve fabricated for it that at best offer a vain apparition of justifiability to it all.

Unless the iron curtain of protection to the highly exaggerated hurt feelings of leftist wimps is breached or brought down, they will continue to retain or win the hearts and souls of the sophistry-steered crowd and, in this context oriented, the ignorant masses (religious, political, philosophical and all too oft, science-related) Until then no reasonable conversation can ever really be conducted in the public forum. Because too many facts and facets of the argument will be subdued, avoided or made moronic by foolishly relegating it as antiquated and, unjustifiably so, to heartlessness. (Classic projections.)

One more note of interest. Leftism may seem to come across as the primary purpose here at this network, but not quite so. It is postulated here that leftism and the lie from its onset are one and the same. Politically, “the left” alone does not live by the lie. So since dealing with a world of lies is the #1 reason for the network, it can be assured that even those who profess other ideologies, even those that seem contrary to leftism, practice PC themselves when their idealistic and ideological lies are exposed from out of the the various nooks and crannies of their faith constructs. It is rarely so that whenever a lie is challenged, no matter wherein it is functioning, that pride and prejudice are not aroused. And all lies derive from the ever leftward movement away from the right – which at its farthest point (its universal onset), is righteousness. And therefore it can truly be said that there is no such thing as a righteous leftist.

Reason #1 REASONS