Truth is found in one’s desire to know it; only by a profound passion for it.
How do we go about the business in discovering the truth of life? Of reality? On whom or what shall we depend for answers?
In that pursuit, are objectivity and true pragmatics ever truly in play? That is, if we’ve even ever genuinely dared to endeavor such a lionhearted pursuit! For it is a very precarious one that puts in jeopardy the ideals we may hold very dear & favorable.
What does it mean to be an authentic U.S. American?
Does the birthright suffice to be called a U.S. American and does everyone have the right to be so regardless of how they got here?
Every ideology leads to different outcomes? What were the ideologies of our founding fathers? If they altered by population overrule, would it subvert true liberty? What would be the outcome if the USA were started in times such as these?
Sophistry is a most insidious sheep-
The truth of our times is that most of the venues we rely on for information are practitioners of sophistry.
From our primary media sources to our educators throughout our school years and, yes, even from the fields of science and our parents (they don’t know everything and mostly not enough.) So then, on whom shall we depend on how to discern thoughts?
RoG (pronounced as rogue) stands for Rely on God, not just any god.
Here you’ll find artwork that expresses and illustrates the things found on this site.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky once said that someday life will get all its meaning from art. It is so now. It truly is. So much of what we believe to be reality is painted with an abstract brush. This leaves everything open to interpretations of any kind. How then can we find God when clarity is in absentia?
Reserved for a dream radio station that will play great songs of mind & spirit.
For now there are higher priorities that cannot be ignored. So no guarantee that it will ever be.
More important, we’re losing our nation to robbers, liars & elitists who guise themselves as being anything but such betraying back stabbers. Yet so it is. Those who govern DC today are out of touch with humanity, reason and their own consciences.
In its simplest terms it is someone with a profound love and desire for truth. Someone who earnestly lives the oath: “to tell (in this case, also earnestly seek to know it to tell it) the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help them God.” Not merely because they feel obligated, although there is that too, yet rather because they cannot help themselves but to be so. Truth, in its oft denied absolute form, is the essence of what makes them tick.
Furthermore, they boldly go forth and share their knowledge for the sake of the greater good. Lies, all lies that permeate our existence, our life, our souls are to be conquered. They are to the spirit & soul and aggregately to cultures, societies and civilizations what cancer is to the body. And as such radicals must be conquered, so too all fallacies. And such not by “violence”, rather by the panacea of that which is known as the Natural Laws. These determine that which is righteous reasoning, sound sensibilities and the elusiveness of laws of logic. A trusader simply speaks the truth and will let be of it as it will be. Many throughout the ages have given their lives for it. Yet make no mistake about it, a far, far greater amount have done so for the lies they have believed to be truth. Lies are always more alluring than truth in that they are pliable. When believed long enough makes us comfortably smug in their bosom.
A trusader is a soldier of truth. One that accepts the double-
Despite the many who think they are the same (by virtue as opposed by name) and do the same, most cannot make such a claim as to be a trusader. Again, a person passionate for all truth regardless of how it will affect their personal ideologies and lives. For that to be so they must be ready and willing to sacrifice all of what they presume to be true. And for that to be, above all one must be absolutely true to themselves. Many will say they are so or have done this and yet are not and have not. A true trusader will know those who have from those who haven’t, for such things are clearly manifest to veracious eyes and ears.
It is misconceived and misapplied beliefs that blind most to much of what is (their) reality. And while it is true that none can escape preconceptions and presuppositions to what is ultimately one’s perceived truth, there is more than sufficient evidence; a preponderance thereof to either validate or invalidate whatever beliefs we hold. Some more so and some less. Either way, there is always something that will sufficiently increase or decrease its likelihood.
Without one’s willingness to sacrifice everything they believe for the sake of a cleansed mind, heart and spirit to all the clutter and claptrap that they’ve been spoon-
Lastly, yet definitely far from the least -
What a chimera, then, is man! What a novelty! What a monster, what a chaos, what a contradiction, what a prodigy! Judge of all things, feeble worm of the earth, depositary of truth, a sink of uncertainty & error, the glory and the shame of the universe. -
This nation under the leadership of “progressive” pied pipers is descending into a state of depravity and dependence emanating from a grandiose humanistic plan; from leftist sophistry that calls evil good and good evil. They vex the general populace using the bazaar like-