Without words what would we be...
...but nothing more than animals. Sure, we’re that in our most base ways. Yet it is no small thing...nay, for to say small is too small. It is a magnanimous thing that separates us from all other life forms. It may be that all life forms communicate to some degree or another, yet none as precisely and specifically as mankind and none with the extent and range of intellectual capabilities and emotional influx. Mankind by language alone is a supreme being on this planet and in the universe (known, if you must.) This is something that should not require being said, for it ought to be self evident to all.
When words are used righteously, they are our best friend. However, when used in any other manner than this, they then become our enemy. So much of an enemy so as to even be able to destroy us in body and soul. And what is this manner of communication that can have such a devastating affect upon us? In a word, lies. Nothing else in nature has the capability to lie. Ruling out the camouflage and lures practiced in nature for survival, for there it is not a willful act, but a naturally instinctive and uncontrolled one, leaving only mankind as capable of practicing insidious deceit that has nothing to do with physical survival.
And wherein has such deceit been practiced since the dawn of man? In ideologies; in the pursuit to control the minds of others for whatever rationalizations that one can contrive for such self delusional necessity. And since this is the case, this page is intended to focus on words, terms and symbols that are misapplied, redefined or created in order to achieve such mind control. A good vocabulary is always a good prerequisite for one’s ability to communicate to others and be communicated to so as to best understand the greater scope and nuances of all things. Even so, wisdom is the greater aspect of it. Between both, we arm ourselves to best defend against the deluge of sophistry that we endure every day of our lives. Furthermore, in so doing we throw from the pedestal those who sinisterly and surreptitiously raise themselves above all others and who in self-
To be righteous, one must be perfect in both moral understanding & practice and, as much as it is possible, correct in all the cosmologically vital things that one believes which establish one’s ideological foundations. (See veracity)
In today’s world right wing social and political disagreement have been synonymized to hatred. This leftist endeavored intension to expand the means by which hate is defined so as to make it more a severe crime when it so deemed, hazing the differences between hate and disagreement; crimes and liberties. Also to put an abrupt end to most disagreements with liberalism by branding all such disagreement as hatred of someone or something if it contradicts their ideological disposition.
Socially, the ever progressive movement away from the moral precepts and values as they have been rightly, historically and divinely defined. Politically, the move to oppressively put government in control of all lives for the sake of relatively few whose motivations and endeavors are deficient to greater success. Economically, to create an imperialistic political class catering to lower income envy by control the wealth of all its constituents (ie., serfdom).
A ridiculous concept. Imagine a phobia where one is irrationally afraid of anything of any likeness. The idea that such can be applied to those who are repulsed by acts that are willful sexual encounters with one of the same sex as a phobia is utterly ludicrous. Its existence is purely politically charged so as to oppressively control the conversation and any countering argument. Neither have any “likeness” to sound reasoning nor reality and that scares the sensibilities out its proponents and practitioners. Frankly, its silliness is so insanely laughable, especially when one watches so-
Bimoralism (coined)
The practice of those, especially of the liberal persuasion, wherein they find harmony and acceptance in both moral and amoral practices. For example, saving lives & killing unborn babies; sexual decency & homosexuality; etc.
Aberrationists (coined)
Those who have made the aberration of well established and authentic moral principles and precepts into a political cause. Synonymous to leftists, liberals, progressives, devil’s advocates.
The practice of those of higher education to arrogantly perceive themselves to be morally superior by the virtue of their greater knowledge and hence the ability to reason. They then use their positions of prestige to steer the masses by propagandistic indoctrination by way of their various positions and power and influence.
In today’s society, a practice to achieve greater political leverage. In reality, and nationally speaking, a virtually non-
Another ridiculous concept. Of all the religions in the present world none merit a rational fear more so than Islam. Therefore a justified fear. Not just for their violence, but also for their disposition on basic human rights. If for example Islam gained control of this nation it would no longer enjoy the freedoms and liberties it does now. And that is its goal regardless of their taquiyya (for Allah’s sake justified lies) to say otherwise. There is only one equal or greater threat to the world than Islam and that is leftism, aka, liberalism & progressivism. Together these two entities will go down in history as among the most insidious and dangerous threats to the well-
Is eternal and an absolute. Without it there is no point in discussing anything at anytime in any way. All existence would be pointless. Like the philosophy of postmodernism that reigns in the present zeitgeist makes no sense, so would it be with all conversations and thoughts. If, for example, postmodernism were a legitimate intellectual mindset, it then defies itself in that it is considered an absolute and in that those who speak on its behalf speak as if the things they say of it are absolutely true. So would it make nonsense of every discussion of any importance. Truth is of itself and like all the laws of nature, is unalterable and, no matter how many try, it cannot be destroyed. Those who defy truth defy nature. No other life form can defy (in delusion) nature (truth) except mankind. Ultimately, those who defy the laws of nature will ultimately pay a price for it. So it can be said, don’t mess with Father Nature. For those who do, it’s a guaranteed losing battled.
The practice of those of higher education to arrogantly perceive themselves to be morally superior by the virtue of their greater knowledge and hence the ability to reason. They then use their positions of prestige to steer the masses by propagandistic indoctrination by way of their various positions and power and influence.