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In its simplest terms it is someone with a profound love and desire for truth. Someone who earnestly lives the oath: “to tell (in this case, also earnestly seek to know it to tell it) the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help them God.” Not merely because they feel obligated, although there is that too, yet rather because they cannot help themselves but to be so. Truth, in its oft denied absolute form, is the essence of what makes them tick.

Furthermore, they boldly go forth and share their knowledge for the sake of the greater good. Lies, all lies that permeate our existence, our life, our souls are to be conquered. They are to the spirit & soul and aggregately to cultures, societies and civilizations what cancer is to the body. And as such radicals must be conquered, so too all fallacies. And such not by “violence”, rather by the panacea of that which is known as the Natural Laws. These determine that which is righteous reasoning, sound sensibilities and the elusiveness of laws of logic. A trusader simply speaks the truth and will let be of it as it will be. Many throughout the ages have given their lives for it. Yet make no mistake about it, a far, far greater amount have done so for the lies they have believed to be truth. Lies are always more alluring than truth in that they are pliable. When believed long enough makes us comfortably smug in their bosom.

A trusader is a soldier of truth. One that accepts the double-bladed sides of truth’s sword. They are keenly aware that those blades cut both ways. They shall ever be vigilant to live by their creed and to never let their own biases corrupt true truth. This is not to say their own humanity will not ever befall or their swords not wound them, for sometimes that is the path to newly discovered truths of old. Yet rather if such a fall will keep them down and to its surrender. As Samson & David fell and arose, so too a fallen trusader. Their disposition is to be one anchored in jurisprudence, tempered by mercy and refined by grace. Yet let this not fool anyone into thinking that the preceding virtues are not in practice when their words of truth succeed to bloodily [figuratively] slice through the lies that anyone might be living. And such usually doesn’t happen without a bloody [ditto] battle ensuing. Because nice is not kindness and kindness is not nice.

Despite the many who think they are the same (by virtue as opposed by name) and do the same, most cannot make such a claim as to be a trusader. Again, a person passionate for all truth regardless of how it will affect their personal ideologies and lives. For that to be so they must be ready and willing to sacrifice all of what they presume to be true. And for that to be, above all one must be absolutely true to themselves. Many will say they are so or have done this and yet are not and have not. A true trusader will know those who have from those who haven’t, for such things are clearly manifest to veracious eyes and ears.

It is misconceived and misapplied beliefs that blind most to much of what is (their) reality. And while it is true that none can escape preconceptions and presuppositions to what is ultimately one’s perceived truth, there is more than sufficient evidence; a preponderance thereof to either validate or invalidate whatever beliefs we hold. Some more so and some less. Either way, there is always something that will sufficiently increase or decrease its likelihood.

Without one’s willingness to sacrifice everything they believe for the sake of a cleansed mind, heart and spirit to all the clutter and claptrap that they’ve been spoon-fed for all their lives, it is not possible to be a trusader. As Rene Descartes once so aptly said, “If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.” Here it is called the Abrahamic Test. As he was willing to sacrifice his most beloved son as an act of faith and devotion, so we must be willing to put all our precious beliefs (our faith and the ideologies to which have devotion) on that sacrificial altar. And as it was with Abraham, if indeed what we believe is based in righteousness, it will then be spared. As for all those other cluttering beliefs that are not based on a righteous foundation, they will be allowed to burn into oblivion and from out of our personal embrace. Anyone who has not done such a test at any time in their life cannot honestly say that their life is based upon holy truth.

Lastly, yet definitely far from the least -- as a matter of fact, foremost of all -- no leftist, liberal, progressive (whatever their present guise) can be a trusader. Virtually everything such ideologists represent is based on sordid lies. If not seemingly on the surface, when ones explores their premises to the depths of their origin one discovers that those premises have no foundation of right[eousness] and that is it is based primarily on humanism. That is, on the premise that man is the originator and the fount from which flows all goodness. Yes, there will be naysayers to this, but again, in honest, non-prejudicial exploration of it one will discover this to be a fact. It is why they can never be utterly honest with their intentions because if so, it would repulse all too many within a freedom and liberty loving populace. All such people play the role of devil’s advocate to greater and lesser degrees, some wittingly while most are oblivious to it.

What is a trusader? Why the trusaders network?

What a chimera, then, is man! What a novelty! What a monster, what a chaos, what a contradiction, what a prodigy! Judge of all things, feeble worm of the earth, depositary of truth, a sink of uncertainty & error, the glory and the shame of the universe. - Blaise Pascal

Because we die

Veracity Virtually Nonexistent

Sophistry Saturated Society

Some Science is Nescience

Because we die… Because veracity is virtually nonexistent… Because sophistry is saturating society… Because some science is nescience (not science)… Who is not a trusader?

This nation under the leadership of “progressive” pied pipers is descending into a state of depravity and dependence emanating from a grandiose humanistic plan; from leftist sophistry that calls evil good and good evil. They vex the general populace using the bazaar like-vexed vast media and educational institutions that accesses virtually everyone’s existence in some manner or another. And like a pedophile lures its victims with alluring “sweets”, they hex their sophomoric and gullible hopefuls, most of which are victims of their own poor decisions and slothful lifestyle, feeding on their resentment, jealousy and envy, monetary gain without earning or studiousness, and more base emotions, all of which emanate from a deep guilt. Doing so so they can feel good or, in some twisted and perverse manner, experience a delusional & vain virtue of unmerited equality to those who have done whatever was necessary to offer and give them a better life. But more importantly – to leftist leaders – is to maintain their base in a frenzy of hatred and covetousness so they can best use them to maintain power, usually by merely sparking the flame of such to incite them. In leftism, righteousness is ever and only a facade. It looks good, but beyond it, it’s a dilapidated structure upon a shoddy foundation that is infested with rats and many other wretched and diseased pests. In and of itself, it is a pestilence; a plague.